Monday, March 22, 2010

Speech self-evaluation

I have quite rationally titled my demonstration speech "How to Get a Phone Number." In my speech I broke down the nerve wrecking process of asking for someones number into several easy to follow steps.
While viewing the recording of my speech, I came across a few things that I could have improved on. First off I look incredibly nervous. I was moving my hands a ton and speaking too quickly. The way I was standing was really awkward. Also, I believe I should have used a better visual aid. My speech was kind of "out there" so a good visual aid was hard to think up. Had I thought of it at the time, I would have used the beginning of this video as a visual aid as how to not ask for a number.
Overall I thought my speech went pretty well. I believe the content was really good and covered the topic entirely. I was comfortable with my subject matter and knew it well. I feel like I divided the process into easily understandable steps that were not too complicated. I think that I got the point across and entertained the class at the same time.
Other than the few minor presenting errors, I thought the content and overall presentation went well.

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